Report a Maintenance Problem


Contact phone number

Property address

Description of problem

Do you wish to be home for the service?
Yes            No

Maintenance request by phone for non-emergency requests during business hours 9:00 am through 5:00 pm:
(714) 639-7681, use option 3
             — then option 1
             — then option 1 again

If you would like to speak with our office staff during business hours please call:

(714) 639-7681, use option 3

                 — then option 3

After hours emergency only phone:
(657) 333-2292


Maintenance hours:

Monday through Friday, 9:00 am through 5:00 pm

We have a full-time maintenance staff to handle every problem.

Please use the form below to submit your maintenance request by email.
You can also leave a message on our 24-hour voicemail or use the emergency contact number in case of an after-hours emergency.

239 S. Glassell Street

Orange, CA 92866


714.639.7681 phone

714.639.9741 fax



©2006, Steve Smith Real Estate